OK3Sports coverage of the HBCU Elite 100 Prospect Camp

Lethal shooter, Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) play an important role in the African American community. These schools were initially created to set the standard of what HIGHER EDUCATION for black students should look like. The role & impact is the same today. Support your HBCU schools, encourage our student-athletes to attend, and support programs like ours @HBCUelite100 that highlights how special they are. #hbcu #hbcuelite100 #hbcupride #hbcubuzz #hbcuconnect #supportblackcolleges #shoottherocknotus

Lethal Shooter, Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) play an important role in the African American community. These schools were initially created to set the standard of what HIGHER EDUCATION for black students should look like. The role & impact is the same today. Support your HBCU schools, encourage our student-athletes to attend, and support programs like ours @HBCUelite100 that highlights how special they are.

#hbcu #hbcuelite100 #hbcupride #hbcubuzz #hbcuconnect #supportblackcolleges #shoottherocknotus

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